Mobile Phone Doctor

Phones & Accessories
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Please call the store or visit their website as hours may vary.

The Mobile Phone Doctor can fix any brand and any model mobile phone as long as the parts are available to them. The most common repairs are for broken screens and LCDs however, the Mobile Phone Doctor also tends to the following issues.

  • * Loud speaker not working?
  • * Other side cannot hear you? (microphone not working)
  • * Your camera won't take photos or selfies anymore?
  • * Your phone has water damage?
  • * Going overseas or switching network and need to unlock your phone?

The Mobile Phone Doctor has the answer to your questions and the solutions to your problems, from mobile phones to tablets and ipods and software solutions.

Gift cards accepted
Upcoming special opening hours
Ming's Phone Doctor-LOGO-02.jpg
Store Information
Find Us
Location: Store K164

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